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“Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD; and the fruit of the womb is a reward.” Psalm 127:3

«For the needy shall not always be forgotten; The expectation of the poor shall not perish forever».
Psalm 9:18

Children are one of the most urgent concerns of Sabra. The one of lines of Sabra-foundation is the all possible support of orphans living in foster families, in orphanages and boarding schools.

The number of children in orphanages has increased threefold over the past 10 years. At present time in Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region are more than 60 orphanages of all kinds, specialized boarding schools and asylums for homeless children. Many of these children were in fact abandoned.

We can not keep aloof while thousands of deprived children need love and support. Children who got to the Orphan’s homes are indigent in parent’s love and care and it is our duty to give these children hope for a happier future.

In the beginning Sabra was helping a few Jewish orphaned children in foster families and in Orphanages. But, seeing the dire needs of the children, it was clear that Sabra must help all the children in the Orphan’s Homes.

As a result Sabra-ministry began to support Orphanages of Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region without any partition between Jewish and Gentile orphans.

There is an orphanage for infants receiving Sabra’s support every month in Novosibirsk. At this psycho-neurological Orphan’s home the maintenance of children is much more expensive, because there are living babies and children from birth till 4 years old with serious diseases of locomotorium, nervous system and birth traumas. In addition to expensive medicines and equipment there is a great need of mother’s milk or high-quality baby nutrition, which is very expensive too. We do our best to help to rehabilitate the children.

Sabra-foundation helps constantly with food, clothes and shoes, medicines, medical equipment, school and hygienic items, toys and other urgent needs of orphanages. We aim to give children hope for a happier future; through helping to provide care for their health, education and development.

​​Call us:

Tel:   972 46491014  

Mobile: 972 54 2815728

​Find us: 

P.O.Box 7644,

Afula 1871060, Israel

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